September 30, 2014

September 2014 Beauty Favorites!!

These are my September beauty favorite things!!  Let me know what you are loving too!
Lamora Kabuki Brushes
Loreal Magic Lumi Primer
Jordana lip liner in Tawny
Bite lip pencil in Medera
Nars Laguna bronzer
Maybelline Master Highlight blush in Nude
Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer in Light
Loreal Voluminous Full Definition
Caress Passionate Spell body wash

September 28, 2014

September 2014 Ipsy Bag Review!

Here are my thoughts on all of the products that I received from Ipsy this month.  I liked most of them!  I love getting these subscriptions because it's like getting a gift in the mail every month. 

Check out Ipsy!

September 14, 2014

August 2014 Glossybox subscription first impression and review

This is my first Glossy Box.  I show you what I received in my August Box and my first impressions of the subscription.

Maybelline Face Studio Master Hi-Light

I have two the these Maybelline blushes and I think they are amazing.  I love the colors because not only do they give you a great blush color but they hi-light at the same time.  They are not sparkly or glittery.  They have an amazingly sophisticated glow. 

The first color that I have is Pink Rose.  The particular blush is highly pigmented and I have to use a light hand with it.  If I don't go overboard it gives my cheeks a beautiful youthful flush with a luminosity that looks like it's coming from within.

The second color I have is Nude.  This shade is my favorite of the two.  I love it because it is such a natural blush color.  I don't have to be as careful with this once even though it is just as pigmented.  This color is just easier to work with and I feel it would be amazing on any skin tone.  It also gives that lit from within look.

Overall I think these are great and highly recommend them!!!

You can pick these blushes up at Ulta and here is the link:

September 13, 2014

Running Benefits Tips & Tricks

Running is an amazing activity.  I have been running for 13 years.  It has helped me through some very hard times in life as well as kept me fit.  I just want to share my personal experiences, tips, and tricks if you are interested in starting.


There are so many benefits from running. 

Exercise in general can help your overall mental state.  Even when you are feeling terrible and fatigued, if you get up and moved and get your endorphins flowing you will feel better.   Endorphins are among the brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which function to transmit electrical signals within the nervous system.  Endorphins decrease feelings of pain, help regulate appetite, enhance immunity, and relieve stress.  This basically means that anytime you get your endorphins flowing it means great things for your body.  When I am very stressed out I like to work out.  I normally run.  This helps me clear my mind and if I listen to music I only think about that music or the running.  I try to leave the rest "at home".  Running also helps keep depression away. 

Physically running keeps your body and heart in great shape.  Cardiovascular exercise is the best way to keep a healthy heart (along with proper diet of course).  It can improve lung health.  It has been proven to prevent stroke, heart attack, and breast cancer.  It can help prevent diabetes and to improve diabetes if you already have it.  You also are able to burn so many calories while running.  Normally the average is about 100 calories per mile.  This enables you to stay looking fit too!

My tips:

Running is easy because the only equipment you need are shoes.  I started out running only 1/2 mile every 2 or 3 days.  I did this for a long time until I could build up distance.  I have never been out for speed.   I always recommend to new runners that they start out very short distances.  It is never beneficial for you to go out and run 3 miles on your first day.  You will end up sore for 5 days and you cannot get your body used to running that way.  Our bodies need to build endurance slowly.  Also, remember you need rest days for your muscles to recover from any strenuous activity.  After finally working up to 3 miles I decided to enter into my first 5K.  I have been hooked ever since.  I have ran many 5K races, 10K races, and 1 unlimited distance race.  You can do anything you put your mind to as long as you are enjoying yourself.  I think that as soon as you make it work then you will lose interest.  I have never entered a race that I would have to train night and day for.  I am able to run 10 miles comfortably.  I know that I could not enter a marathon tomorrow without it becoming a chore.  This is one of the reasons I have never entered one.  I just don't want my "me time" to become work.
You can also run no matter what your endurance level.  I ran during my pregnancy.  As I grew larger I just ran slower.  I walked during my last month and then started running again 4 weeks after giving birth.  I started out slow and worked my way back up to full endurance. 

Bottom line...I love running and I think anyone can do it.  No matter what your level it's for you and no one else.  It doesn't matter if you run 1/2 mile or 10 miles, as long as you love it and it makes you happy!!!