July 10, 2014

Accutane-a prescription acne treatment update and review

I wanted to give you all an update on my experience with Accutane.  I am now finished with the 5 month treatment.  I have been done with the medication for about 1.5 months.

All of the dry skin/lip/eye issues have completely gone away.  I have been using facial moisturizers for normal to dry skin and they have been working wonderfully.  I did get a lot of nose bleeds during my use of this medication (at least once daily).  This has gone away as well.

I still have not used any kind of acne prone facial cleansers/lotions/treatments.  Amazingly I now have clear amazing skin.

I have not experienced any breakouts anywhere on my body.  I used to get them on my back/chest/neck/face.  I have not had a pimple in months (not even hormonal breakouts yet.)

I do not notice any oiliness like I used to get in the T-zone area of my face.

I was and still am very sensitive to the sun.  I use 50+SPF and still get sunburned when out in the sun for 30 minutes at a time.  I have to reapply frequently.  I am hoping and have been reassured by my doctor that this will subside.

So far I am so happy with the results.  It was a tedious process.  It was costly and time consuming but it was well worth it all.  I could not be happier with the results.  I am never self conscious about my acne issues anymore because I don't have any!  If you were thinking of trying this and have the means to do so I highly recommend it!!!!!!!

If you didn't see my original post on the medication and are interested check out the link below.  I explain what the medication is and how the entire process works.
My original post:

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